Past Events, Professional Development, Workshop
Idea Factory 2018
Idea Factory – Bringing early career researchers together
Idea Factory aims to bring early career researchers together. The focus is on collaboration and research communication.
During three days we will meet at Caloundra QLD to establish possible interdisciplinary research projects. At the workshop, every participant will be invited to give a short introduction to their work. Attendees will then be divided into smaller workgroups. Each group will develop a possible collaborative research project. Science communication training will be part of the experience in the lead up to the final presentation of ideas to a panel of distinguished judges.
The workshop is an excellent opportunity to meet other researchers, learn more about science communication and proposal writing, and to put forward new ideas and projects.
This event is a joint Centre of Excellence initiative involving the Australian Research Council Centres of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems (EQUS) and Future Low-Energy Electronics Technologies (FLEET).
Essential information
The Idea Factory will be held at BreakFree Grand Pacific at Caloundra, Queensland. Attendees will share apartment-style accommodation.
The bus to the Idea Factory will depart at the following times on Wednesday, June 6:
- 9.10am – UQ St Lucia, Chancellors’ Place
- 10.00am – Brisbane Domestics Airport, Arrivals
The bus from the Idea Factory will depart at the following times on Friday, June 8:
- 4.00pm – Caloundra, Breakfree Grand Pacific
- 5.30pm – Brisbane Domestics Airport, Departures
Date and time:
06 Jun 2018 to 08 Jun 2018
Caloundra, QLD