Congratulations to University of Western Australian and EQUS researcher Dr Maxim Goryachev on being awarded the European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) Young Scientist Award 2018 at the 32nd European Frequency and Time Forum in Turin, Italy.
The EFTF Young Scientist Award is conferred in recognition of a personal contribution that demonstrated a high degree of initiative and creativity and led to already established or easily foreseeable outstanding advances in the field of time and frequency metrology.
The award honours a person under the age of 40 at the date of the opening session of the EFTF conference.
Maxim was chosen as an award recipient for his work on the development of cryogenic Bulk Acoustic Wave (BAW) technology, and application to precision oscillators, fundamental physics tests and quantum measurements.
Maxim’s pioneering work in measuring quartz BAW oscillators at cryogenic temperatures first began with his PhD work at the Institute FEMTO-ST, Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et des Microtechniques (ENSMM), in Besançon, France.
This remarkable work came to the attention of Professor Michael Tobar, who persuaded Maxim in 2011 to join his research group in Frequency and Quantum Metrology and the ARC Centre of Excellence in Engineered Quantum Systems (EQUS). Since joining EQUS, Maxim has gone on to adapt the technology for precision quantum and frequency measurement, the results of which are seen as a major achievement of the Centre.
Media: Ben Robson (UWA Faculty of Engineering Mathematical Sciences) (+61 8) 6488 7501